How to Close Your Account

Reach out to our customer support staff to request account closure.

How can I close my account?

To close your account, you may reach out to YeheyRemit through any of the following channels below. Your YeheyRemit wallet should not have any remaining balance in order for you to close it.

Facebook Page https:/

Facebook Messenger

Phone 03-4550-1407

Email [email protected]

Please be advised of the following when closing your YeheyRemit account:

  • Upon your request for account closure, you will no longer be able to log in on the mobile application
  • The actual deletion of your data from our systems will be done after seven (7) years

Data Deletion Policy

At YeheyRemit, your privacy matters immensely to us. We want you to feel confident and secure when using our service. That’s why we’ve put together this Data Deletion Policy to ensure that your personal information is handled with care and in accordance with regulatory policies.

What Does This Mean for You?

Your Control Matters

You’re in charge of your data. If you ever decide to part ways with our app or simply want your data removed, just reach out to our friendly customer support team. You may call, private message, or send us an email. They’ll take care of it swiftly and securely.

Keeping Things Tidy

We don’t like clutter, especially when it comes to your data. That’s why we regularly review and update our data retention periods to ensure we’re only holding onto what’s necessary and relevant. When you request to close your account, we will disable login access to it and no further transactions (load to wallet, send to overseas) may be made. 

Legal Stuff Made Simple

As our system handles financial transactions, laws and regulations require us to hold onto certain bits of data for a while. Once your account is closed, your information and financial records will be stored for 7 years. Rest assured, we take those obligations seriously. Once they’re fulfilled, we’re quick to bid farewell to that data, keeping only what’s essential for your continued use of our service.

Your Comfort Is Our Priority

We’ve designed this policy with your comfort and peace of mind in mind. If you ever have any questions or concerns about your data, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to make sure your experience with our app is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

No longer want to close your account? Send money today